Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Mariechen Waltz

This was Whoopee John's theme song for many years. For me, it has a musical depth not often associated with polka music.

Here's the Whoopee John band under the direction of Vern Steffel. I'm guessing that means it's after Willfahrt's death in '61:

Here's a version that I am guessing predates Whoopee John's:

Here's one from 1909, maybe the oldest:

A slow one for Steirische Harmonika students

nice longhair Steirische solo: 

another Steirische version with lyrics:

Wayne Ripke band:

Choppmotorrad Freunde Musikanten

Curtis sent me this version of Trumpetten Echo:

The group's name translates to something like 'chopper motorcycle musician friends'.  They're people, and they make music, so that's good. I'm not going to judge beyond that. I can  imagine being there, and wanting out. Actually they sound pretty good. They've got bandoneons!

Here's a longer video.